This website contains assignments, due dates and contact information. Please pick the course of interest below.
1) Lunch Time/ After school Help: On most days I am available to help students
with Science work/questions at lunch or after school. Students can simply drop by
any time. I'm normally found in the Science office (rm 209).
2) Email Updates: If a parent would like an update on their child's progress (marks or
attendance) or would like recommendations then please email me at following:
3) Phone Call/ Mark update/Attendance: I welcome parents to call me at the
school (705-424-5030) to determine their child's progress or to discuss
options for improvements.
Best times to reach me are:
a) Prep...9:45-10:35
b) Lunch *10:55am -11:30
c) After the bell at 2:30 (I coach volleyball at 2:45)